Labels:chat room | daily | earth | fence | grass | reckoner | sky OCR: address specified ir the cipient message header Thus the primari knows to whom copies have been (See header E-Mai1 BCC.) Chame ims that sof tware pack age including opher provide Internet services SUCE E-Mail FTP IRC Weh browser wser (See Gopher, FTP Usenet, E-Mail Channel a11ed a when talking IRC, every topic channel (See IRC.) Chat See IRC. Client inother when computer connected ation computer order t.o receive info led a utilize computer resources iti client Clipboard On computers working graphi his interface environment (PC or Mac the temporary storage locat ion fc DL informa ion taken from a docume prior pert forming "copy" or "cut operat to its being pas ted somewhere Comprehensive ding tc This engine conducts searches EC server name (See search engine. Compression save way shrinking ...